Health Conditions
LTD Health Conditions
While Cody Allison & Associates, PLLC handles cases based on virtually all health conditions, some of the conditions we routinely handle include: Multiple Sclerosis, Crohn’s Disease, Arthritis, Lupus, Chronic Pain Syndrome, Stroke, Cancer, and Autoimmune Diseases.
The following links listed below are nationwide websites with helpful information regarding certain medical conditions, illnesses and disabilities that are often associated with ERISA and non-ERISA long-term disability claims. These websites are not affiliated with the Tennessee based attorneys at Cody Allison & Associates, PLLC and we are not responsible for their content. At Cody Allison & Associates, PLLC we handle ERISA and non-ERISA long-term disability cases involving many medical conditions, including those linked below. There are many great organizations to assist with information related to some of these medical conditions.
If you have long-term disability insurance (ERISA policy through your employer or privately purchased long-term disability insurance) and suffer from a medical condition that you and your doctor believe prevents you from working, please call Cody Allison & Associates, PLLC at our National Headquarters (844) LTD-CODY, or (615) 234-6000 and let us discuss your claim during a free consultation. You are also welcome to make an appointment for a free consultation at our offices located at 404 James Robertson Parkway, Nashville, Tennessee 37219. You can e-mail Cody directly at Cody@codyallison.com. We would love the opportunity to discuss your ERISA or non-ERISA (private policy) long-term disability case at no charge.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Disability Claim