Our Mission

Our Mission
Fighting for People Who Have Been Denied Disability Insurance Benefits
At Cody Allison & Associates, we understand….you paid your premiums and the insurance company won’t pay the disability benefits you’re entitled to.
It’s our mission to represent those who have been wrongfully denied their disability insurance benefits (ERISA & non-ERISA/private policy) and fight for them to obtain the disability benefits they deserve. Our experienced lawyers are dedicated to providing the highest level of personal service to our clients and are strongly dedicated to the zealous representation of the disabled and their families. Our lawyers can help you no matter where you live across the United States. We also provide a monthly monitoring service for those individuals who are currently receiving long-term or short-term benefits but do not want to deal with the headaches involved in updating medical information and filling out forms for the insurance company. Our monthly monitoring clients also find value in the fact that our law firm is familiar with their file and will be prepared to appeal the insurance company decision should their benefits randomly be discontinued.
Have You Received a Long-Term Disability Denial Letter?
At Cody Allison & Associates, we truly care about our clients and their families. We pride ourselves in treating our clients’ problems as if they were our own and want them to know that they are not alone in this process. We provide you with personalized attention, return your phone calls in a timely manner and listen to and address your concerns.
It is the mission of the lawyers at Cody Allison & Associates to represent those who need and deserve their disability insurance policy benefits and to pursue their rights to obtain the fullest amount of compensation and benefits that the law will allow. Our firm represents a wide array of individuals with private long-term disability policies, including doctors, attorneys, accountants, or other professionals, as well as individuals covered under ERISA disability policies, obtained through their employers.
We understand that those who have become disabled face not only financial ruin when they can’t work but also face physical and emotional challenges that affect every aspect of their lives and the lives of their families. We also understand that pursuing a claim for disability benefits can be very stressful and intimidating. We are here to help our clients and make this difficult time in their life as stress free as possible.

Contact Our ERISA Law Firm
Remember, your hard-earned money paid the insurance premiums to obtain long-term disability coverage. Don’t let the insurance company get away with a wrongful denial, let our team of experienced lawyers have the last word! Call 7 days a week TOLL FREE NATIONWIDE: (844) LTD-CODY or (615) 236-6000. You can also text us at (615) 218-0619, or e-mail: cody@codyallison.com.